THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between CampStaffUSA and the registered Camp Employer (“Camp”) for the purposes of providing employment opportunities to foreign nationals participating in the J1 Exchange Visitor Camp Counselor and Summer Work Travel Programs (“Participant”) and US citizens interested in pursuing summer camp employment. Camp agrees to use the system with the intent of hiring Camp Staff and understands that Camp Staff in need of a J1 visa, must apply for their J1 visa through a CampStaffUSA affiliated sponsor. A job offer made to a CampStaffUSA candidate, foreign or domestic (“Camp Staff”), by Camp shall constitute acceptance of this agreement.
CampStaffUSA works with international partners who recruit students with a variety of financial means. For camps exempt of minimum wage, CampStaffUSA establishes a total cost to Camp to include Camp Staff minimum expected pocket money and CampStaffUSA program fees. The pocket money and program fees may vary by country of origin or by agent but the total cost to camp will remain the same unless otherwise noted in the CV.
While CampStaffUSA aims to provide customizable job offers to clearly outline expectations, it is Camp’s responsibility to issue separate and specific contracts to any Camp Staff with whom our electronic job offer does not fully apply. ANY camp subject to individual state minimum wage requirements, ANY day camp and ANY other camp with whom exceptions apply agree to supply an independent employment contract to each Camp Staff with a copy provided to the Account Manager that includes job title and description, minimum hours of work per week, wages per hour, overtime wages, and schedule of pay. If housing and meals are provided, a description of the housing and meals arrangements and deductions must also be included. In addition, it must be clearly outlined how program fees are going to be assessed in full or in part by Camp and Camp Staff.
Camp further understands and agrees to the following:
Camp will read and confirm agreement to the J1 Employer Program Terms and Conditions.
Camp will pay directly to each Camp Staff the minimum pocket money as outlined by the job offer or otherwise agreed upon in writing. Pocket money is based on a typical residential contract up to 63 days. Contracts offered under the typical 63-day period will not be prorated. Camp agrees to pay each Camp Staff for days worked thereafter at an agreed upon daily rate. A proration of Camp Staff pocket money will apply for any Camp Staff departing earlier than the original contract or the initial 63 days of an extended contract for any reason. Prorated pocket money must be paid to the Camp Staff prior to their departure. Where payroll cannot be expedited or payment of final earnings cannot be paid prior to departure, Camp must have an agreed and scheduled payment plan with the Camp Staff and Camp is liable for any additional associated costs of courier, wire transfer, etc.
Returning Camp Staff previously hired through CampStaffUSA are expected to return through original home county agent and sponsored through a CampStaffUSA affiliated sponsor. Unrealized earnings from returning Camp Staff who are knowingly directed to apply for sponsorship with other agencies, will be assessed to the camp.
Returning Camp Staff discounted rates are only valid with completed applications on or before February 15th of the participation year. Applications submitted or complete after February 15th will be subject first year program fees.
CampStaffUSA limits participation in the camp support staff program to a total of 5 years.
CampStaffUSA accepts a limited number of direct hire counselor Camp Staff. Once all allocated visas for direct hire counselor staff are filled, applications may be accepted on a case-by-case basis but will be subject to first year program fees.
Staff referrals from previous or current CampStaffUSA applicants must go through the same CampStaffUSA agent and will be considered new/first year staff hires subject to fees and minimum pocket money standards accordingly. Unrealized earnings from staff referrals who are knowingly directed to apply for sponsorship with other agencies, will be assessed to the camp.
Camp will communicate with the representatives of CampStaffUSA and its affiliated sponsors by email or telephone, any and all issues of concern related to inappropriate behavior or work conduct, changes in job description or work locations, or termination of employment. Employment may be terminated when work performance is unsatisfactory, work conduct is inappropriate, or the contractual agreement is violated by Camp Staff. When termination is eminent and when possible, Camp agrees to inform Camp Staff of termination at a reasonable hour and to provide Camp Staff with transportation to an agreeable place of available public transportation or temporary accommodation in concern for Camp Staff safety and travel. Camp must pay Camp Staff the proration of the agreed pocket money or have a an agreed and scheduled payment plan.
Camp further agrees to complete the online incident report prior to or at the earliest possible time after Camp Staff’s departure. Camp agrees to provide all information requested in the incident report including beginning date, departure date, reason for termination, total compensation provided to the Camp Staff prior to departure or plan for payment after departure, and departure details such as time of departure, transportation, destination, etc. Once submitted, a copy of the incident report will be sent to the Camp’s Account Manager and the J1 sponsor. Camp is responsible for full fees where an incident report is not submitted within 5 days of departure.
Camp understands that any contract extension must be requested through CampStaffUSA and approved by the J1 sponsor. Extension approval for a J1 Participant is based upon program regulations and may be subject to university schedule or permitted program dates outlined by country and may require additional medical insurance coverage at cost.
Where employment extensions require an extension of medical insurance, payment must be made by the Camp Staff or guaranteed by the Camp prior to approval of employment extension.
Camp agrees to pay to CampStaffUSA:
- Program fees for newly hired Camp Staff as outlined in their profile, payable provided that the staff member successfully obtains a J1 visa is able to travel to camp.
- A proration of program fees for newly hired staff if Camp Staff’s program is terminated prior to completing the original contract or the initial 63 days of an extended contract for any reason.
- A $200 administrative fee should Camp cancel a contract with a newly hired Camp Staff after Camp Staff have been approved a visa.
- Program fees for returning Camp Staff and direct hire counselor Camp Staff. Full program fees for returning staff and select “direct hires” from Mexico are entirely the camp’s responsibility unless the camp has issued a separate and distinct contract prior to forms DS2019 being issued. Program fees are nonrefundable upon visa approval regardless of program participation or duration.
- The nonrefundable administrative fee of $200 for returning Camp Staff and $250 for direct hire staff from Mexico or other country of origin where Camp has agreed to pay full program fees once forms DS2019 are issued regardless of visa approval or program participation.
- Any additional fees i.e. SEVIS fee, shipping, reprint, visa extension, medical insurance extension or other assessed at the request of the camp, regardless of Camp Staff visa approval or participation.
Camp agrees to make payment of invoices within 30 days of receipt. Outstanding balances remaining after September 1st of the billing year will be assessed a penalty of 5% per month.
This agreement entered into by both parties shall be construed under the laws of the State of Florida, USA. The parties hereto agree that any action regarding this agreement, or arising from terms or conditions herein, shall be instituted and litigated in the courts in the State of Florida, USA and in no other. In accordance herewith, the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts within the state of Florida, USA.